Posts Tagged ‘sisters’

The Blog of Moa’bite: New Cover Photo (The third one so far)

My Blog has a facebook page since 28/04/2012. Its URL is I have 245 likes so far. No matter how little this number is, I am proud of it and thank everyone who made a like! I hope that they found something useful or interesting in my Blog.

Joined facebook

Since I established my Blog’s facebook page, I designed only two cover photos. Both of them contained the following statement:

“Knowledge can take us further than we can imagine… Reading is the first step toward change” Science Prospects Magazine.

المعرفة قادرة على إيصالنا إلى أبعد مما نتخيل... القراءة هي الخطوة الأولى نحو التغيير

This “great” statement is not my own. I quoted it from for the best Arabic magazine in my opinion: The Science Prospects Magazine. I used the above statement in my post because how much I like this magazine. I learnt man useful things from reading it. I wrote my review of this magazine here.

I designed the first cover photo at the day I established my Blog’s facebook page on 28/04/2012. The first cover photo was not very beautiful. Therefore, I soon changed it as I designed a new one on 22/08/2012. Following are the first and the second cover photos:

The First Cover Photo of the Facebook Page of the Blog of Moa'bite (28/04/2012)

The First Cover Photo of the Facebook Page of the Blog of Moa’bite (28/04/2012)

The Second Cover Photo of Facebook Page of the Blog of Moa'bite (22/08/2012)

The Second Cover Photo of Facebook Page of the Blog of Moa’bite (22/08/2012)

Nothing shows my liking of the second cover photo more than that I did not change it since I had designed it. That is to say, it is a cover photo for more than 15 months. Recently, however, I started feeling that I need to improve the cover photo and the new design:

1) Should reflect the content of the Blog as much as possible: The above cover photo, for example, shows that the owner might be interested in “knowledge” and “reading”. Does it show more than that?

2) What is written in the cover photo should be of my authorship: I should have devised it! It is not that I feel that the statement from the Science Prospects Magazine is good no more. It is that I feel that I should not depend on someone else’e ideas and imagination to describe myself or my belongings. How if I am describing my Blog; the best and most precious place where I publish my ideas and opinions!

3) The cover photo should be a little bit more colorful.

During the last three days, I was confined in my house just like the greatest majority of Jordanians. We had a huge snowstorm. Since 72 hours, and counting, I am confined in my room in Safoot, Amman. Like always, when I am alone for a long time and I get bored, I remember my Blog. I usually go to the Blog to write a post or update some setting or another. This time, I did something new for my Blog that I had not done since more than 15 months. I designed a new cover photo for my Blog’s facebook page. It took me about 4 hours of work. I am happy with it. For the time being, I think it satisfies my goals of a cover photo. Below is the new facebook cover photo. Will it be long since I design a new one?

The Cover Photo of the Facebook Page of the Blog of Moa'bite (14/12/2013)

The New Cover Photo of the Facebook Page of the Blog of Moa’bite (14/12/2013)